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Monthly Tendencies & Trends  



Monthly Tendency/Trend                    

August 2007


Venus regressiv since 27. July,  for six weeks from now on until 8. September.

Now you see clear what your relationship truely means and if there is substance to grow or stuck. When something has been wrong and forgotten, problems you denied you just wanted to rescue and repair whats not to repair anymore, the result will be shown to you now. A chance to get to the point and say good bye or repair. It is just for those and all that has begun 8-16-24-or 32 years ago. But do not worry when your relationship or love has already substance and fit to your values what you could see few last month, when there is only something unclear or there are just some problems on your heart right now in a functioning relationship and just something what must get solved comes up right now too, emotionally or practically then you get the chance to repair and heal with your partner. Then take it just as reminder that there is something to clarify. Do not worry even when you cannot run away anymore. Face the facts and take the chance. The truth will be shown to you now. If your relationship has been true from your hearts so you will earn what you have seed all the time and you get clear and down to the true kernel of your relationships (Pluto Trigon Saturn on 6. August). It will get proved on substance and truthfulness once again and you have to show your colours. But if your relationship has substance and truthfulness and fits your values you do not have to worry or fear and every problem will get clarified for your growth. You could see it the last month what was worth it to build on (read June) and what you had to leave and lost. Now you know what you can build on.

The current time quality also shows what the last year has been given you to learn from.

It was proved the substance and truthfulness of everything and if you made the right decisions and trusted your own inner voice and folllowed your heart then you will earn the prize of your life you can truely trust and believe in and build on in future. This also counts for future direction in business. Pluto Saturn does support that with a Pluto trine Saturn, exact on 6th. August. Focused Energy goal-orientated and you succeed. Prove how much Power therefore is good but do not stop yourself and entangle yourself in power with might and main. With Mercury in Leo since 4th August finally you can say your opinion what you want to tell, anway, and would not going to mince matters. Opinions are hight-priced and so you will be noticed and get attention with what you been telling. But think its not all about you even when you talk a lot about yourself.

Do not wonder when your ex-love, lover or ex-partner will ring the bell… or you get reminded of old relationship stuff, memories and old patterns of old old times you are digging in right now.  All what has begun 8-16-24-32 years ago is meant, as already in June prognosis told can come back at you and you have the chance to clarify what's still undone. Ask yourself what really has substance in your life and make a decision what you really want what since the time still is in your head you could not really get rid of or clarify. But now you should let go from 8-16-24-32 years ago. It also can be a good by to an old pattern in you and does not have to be a person. The reminder makes just clear to end such an old stuff fair instead to bear that you can carry on. Do you really want always to look back and get reminded 8-16-24-32 years or is it what you was waiting for from long ago. Ask yourself. Is it worth to follow the old renew or to finish what s not been finished yet.  Look back 8-16-24-32 years ago and you know who s or what's meant. Was something unclear or never really finished..maybe a love affair, an ex you in your mind or feel guilty for something you cannot let go, cause you could not finish a problem yet you carried with you all the years. It is time to get it done now. You get the choice as chance. But only the truthfulness under current time qualitity will end up to your pleasure and you know now since last year what makes sense and now since 2007 what is the really truthful relationship and love for a long term meant in future. Follow your heart.

Mars meets Saturn in square on 1st August. So around you might feel a bit blocked these days and struggeling between the wish beeing active and feisty mood and to feel stopped anyhow. Blocked but feisty. Whoever wants to fight with you in your territory. Do have always one eye on your goals and safe and focus your power for what's worth is. Jupiter and sun gives you the confidence that everything will end up positive and you know what you fight for. Till 6th August you must bear and ward-off a lot. Do this focused of facts. Try to get through it as best you can. And cling to your goals worth to follow. Slowly it shows up what's truely worth is to live for. After all now should have been slowly sorted out and gone what's not been truthfull and real enough. Look what's still remaining and has left-over and
is still there.




© Copyright: Diana


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