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News June 2007 (available in english only)
30. June 2007 So here it goes. As you see my english Website is under construction. Astrological stuff is completed. Started with it three/four weeks ago. Look Astrological Counselling, About me, Links, Contact, Payment/Process, Basic principle (Principle) is already / almost done and ready to view. Some like Workshops, Lessons, Coaching I just can offer at the time only in German and Gemany, so do not wonder. Will see how and that I offer it as soon I can to you too. Or just parts of it. Watch the space. Pages are under construction even when there are just parts of it in english or you see them in German only yet.
What a work everything trying to translate from German. Do you know that ? So much to do. Forgive me when it is first confusing with the links (not all done yet) and the half isn't translated yet. I am working every day on it. And forgive me it sounds awful in some ways and mistakes here and there. I think free talking I am much better and feel more comfortable and sure as in having a already perfect text 1:1 translation does not work. I read forward and translate backwards and be totally confused by many words do not exist exactely in English language. What s then. I do not know. I try to find the best word in context I can ..maybe must correct later again. I am often not sure if it s clear how I said in German and to the point in detail same in english. Often just one word I am struggeling with. I am able to descirbe and similar meanings and words to find out not that I said. If anybody has some Ideas or is fluent native English and German speaker knowing the meaning of words in German too, let me know. I can need help. Someone to ask. But to the point as in German I do not know if I really get ít.. Asking on I-Net native speakers I saw struggeling same or only know close but not that.. like "Anlagen" "Ablauf and Abwicklung/Process one word for the same?" "Impressum" so and what I saw english you often have to build a sentence and in German a word says everything.. but a sentence is here to long often and not the same as i say. I call it keyword or catch-word what I am looking for. German is more complex in sentence structure and more complicated therefore hard to find close words that may say same, and uses fill words highly complicated I do not like and miss in english and discussed I found others having same problems I have and it seems to be an impossible fact.. but then I want it close ! And right. I am not sure always if I use the right words for some things I am talking about. My first time as newbie in business english. All I do is .. I do .. if right or wrong... or close .. as best I can. I just can lean.. When I would wait and wait for just some words to find I will never get it done. I would never have it published without knowing it in detail or the risk taking that it might be wrong.. ) you see I changed. My only chance. And move on and on.. and between half despairing hanging over dictionaries studying the meaning of words, listening to what others say, thinking, searching, I am trying to find the exact meaning of a German word in English.. (amazing what all I ve learned last week) but my wish 1:1 seems to be unbelievable and a goal/target not to reach. One riddle after another is comming up. But I will find a way. I must. At least I change it a bit. I see many others do have the same problem but I want to do it 1:1.. impossible..but highly interesting to see what is possible and what not. Can I make the impossiblity come true ? I do not know what it possible yet. I want to say it right and want to learn ! Or just half to find a way at least the right or the best word. But I get closer the words I need. Will see as close i get it to the point. yes the languages are so much different indeed. I just speak without aware thinking - as if i swich between both languages. When translating it with thinking and ..then it feel nothing works .. even its different and new. Or I am just not sure. But others nor sure I figured out. Very comfortable. So I have one choice .. to let all down until i know everything... without doubt (that will never happen) or i do and risk its not 100 %. I have chosen ! I will so or so work on and make sure and correct when i know it right or better!
So perfect no one can be. They discuss in forums about one word and grammar and it seems noone knows it right. But everyone knows it better. Example.. "Currently or presently or for now or or..?? and so it s depending on sentence but everybody has a different explenation.. funny and confusing. When there no one knows.. how can i know it right then as newbie in business or economic english ? Native speakers are needed! But man things they aren't sure too. Impressum (latin) for english pages yes or no and how.. I think i know what i am doing. But I will find out how to do formulate better sooner or later. Do not think others making no mistakes.. lots mistakes they make too esp. in German language the Germans. oh my. But close and right would be fine. And right said. And i gave it up that I want to be 100 % and to know everythng in detail before I start anything. I think it is not a matter of beeing perfect but to get the right thing and I am digging deep with many questions comming up. Problem is I am not sure before I get my questions answered. Confusing. Words can make a lot missunderstandings. I love words. I love english. I always do my best. My mind is so fast in thinking and combine and so many questions and background questions want to get answered that it makes sense at all. And if you laugh it is fun then. Fun is good for the heart. And I train my brain and wish to know it all right. When it makes you laughing or shaking head.. then think it would be you correct me and help ! Makes sense ;) ? I will try to put it close to my German textversion that it makes sense to what I said and how. I feel like in school. I cannot be a 6. class lever when i am in 1. class. right ? It is so much economic therminology and new to me. Someone from Basic School e.g. is even not to compare with someone in High School or who is trained well on business letters using it all day. Speaking and writing are different. I take the chance ! I know what i want. Something to learn - No business grew to succeed without making mistakes. Think porcelain was a mistake. Tehy wanted gold. Every research in science did mistakes until they got a breakthrough. ! Small hope ;) I never believed that english might have such difficulties.. But i do well. I sit here and burst out at night to laughter..studying ..2 a.m. my time on a saturday morning 30. June.2007 touching my face, grabbing my hair.. and. what the heck i am doing... and another laughter followed by the other shaking my head. Yes i follow my desire to build my page in German and English. And English is more than difficult to translate and find right written words and sentences. I am studying language on for me high level on my own. Self studying. I love words and language. I am a little confused by linking my pages. But i do not give up. I better do not think when someone s finding it before its perfectly done. *smile. I think my body tend nowaday to bring me to laughter before i remind how much courage it takes what i am doing here..Anyhow it is fun indeed. On the other hand a bit despairing. I need someone to aks. I want it right as it is regularely said and to undestand when i use what word in what context. And i am not able,
I need could someone to aks with both languages to discuss details. Then ok I want it as close i can get, not perfect but...All mustOnly for myself i do it. Should become very good- and truely gave up the idea it must be perfect. But when i wait until i am able to be perfect then i would never do it and never would have started building my own webpage .. when i started i had no knowlege.. no clue .. just a program i got and all in english.. love it ! , weird hm ? Sometimes i really do not know what i do but for what i do it. There is a motivation behind. Some. oh my goodness what a night.. full of fun .. moon is moving from one house to the next.. changing from Sagittarius to Capricorn. That can just be fun. We get a more serious mood next two days and concentrate working is possible.
You see .. nobody is perfect. I needed my half life to learn this .. and to realize that it is more important to do something with mistakes and be a person than well functional robot. I always said so but i needed to practice. First i started with 14 years ago. But now I take the biggest challange in my life. Or one of the biggest sounds better. I do not need a diplome in background to do anything. I need a will and self confidence and believe in myself and time and allow myself that it is not 100 % . But its good for the first time. My opinion. We are human all and only machines and robot must be perfect we are not. But words should be ok for everyone understandable what i say and mean. This is why i say trying and doing is more worth than a perfect line.
I never wanted or expected others beeing perfect but I always got the feeling I could do it better. For me only. Its my brain. I want to learn and grow. But to overdue is not good. We never come to an end when we do not start so same when we work to long on something. Others maybe finishing first and aren't perfect. saw it so often. Think politics. Are they perfect ? NO! Or people in high positions.. Absolutely not. Not in speaking or body language at all. I doubt in knowledge and an diplome does not impress me at all. They are not more clever or more intelligent or smarter than others. They just find a way to be accepted in public and were there at the right time doing the right thing what has been expected and getting perhaps a lot more money than others. I stop here going into detail. And they do a lot mistakes (harmless said). What does it tell us ? Something to think for you.
I know I am my best critic and self critical but with others I am patient. But now I see I trust myself and say.. I am learning and we all learn all life long. Confidence is everything. A baby would never learn to walk after its felt down on their knees if it would not stand up again and again. Babysteps ! at the end and not expecting to much from ourself. I could give so many examples. As i told in "About me" I am and live my own experiences .. i must add soon examples too. But now a cut ! A gap is sometimes better and nobody will notice you did forget something ;) The others maybe happy that you are not endless an in detail and human. Try it ! All courage btw. and I am persistent. *smile. So now after linking it is now 5:45 a.m. This is passion to get things finished. I am concentrated - just tired. I am creative at night when i can sleep during daytime and having naps.
But ok. do not forget to check my webpage again.. something will happen.. . enjoy !
Btw. It's full moon tonight !
© Diana
added 6th Jume 2007 more Psychological Counselling translated !
June - Sept. 2007
Currently: I teach myself (as many things) Design and Web and Photo/Picture handling and processing. Learning by doing ! Not to mention my invested time and effords at the beginning. Very creative. I never did believe how creative I can be. I am very proud on this. Cause many persons my age haven't automatically learned and educated in Computer or Internet. An old typewriter perhaps a fax, that was it at my time. Pity. That does make working on PCs a lot more difficult. But I am glad I do learn fast, assumed I am thrilled, enthused and and stand behind something with heartblood and emotions. But it makes fun, otherwise I would and could never spent my time for it. Besides I am "working" on a happy future. By the way in future I will complete my english Website. (That is now almost done. look news! As best I can. I gave up to want to be perfect. (what other chance did I have). To wait, to get better or to do.
I just started. I got the nerve in June 2007 (read more here) Truely a challange. step by step. To the right time doing the right things. Mostly spontaneous it comes out of me. Not easy to be patient.
Cause "time flys !"
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